Facebook reveals a new level of transparency for pages and Ads

Today, Facebook has made a significant step to make the content on its network even more transparent. Giving people more information about the page and the ads it manages is crucial to a greater responsibility of advertisers and will be a further step in reducing potential abuse of Facebook.


  • View Active Ads: You can now see the ads the Page is running through Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and partner networks, even if you aren’t targeted by these ads. Simply sign in to Facebook, visit any Page, and click on “Information and Ads” in the left panel. You will see the copy and creative of ads, and you can report anything suspicious by using “Report Add” button.
  • More Page Information: You can also learn more about Pages, even if they don’t advertise. For example, you can see recent changes to their names or see when the Page was created. More Page information will be added by Facebook in the coming weeks.



Facebook has also announced that it will soon be launching political ads labelling in Brazil, ahead of the upcoming elections. This feature was launched in the US in May, and we will see if it becomes available in the Czech Republic before our autumn elections as well. Any ads that promote a political party or group will be clearly identifiable on Facebook.

We can see that Facebook is actively trying to preserve the impartiality and reputation of its platform in the light of recent confusions and scandals. Brilliant job!